Mind Managing Moment
Instead of making resolutions I have set two intentions for what I want to work on this year: To continue to work on the management of my chaotic mind. To become even more self responsible. This is a full time undertaking, believe me. To that end I wanted to share a mind managing moment I […]
Looking forward. Looking back.
It’s a brand new year. YIPEE! I have never been one for resolutions, mainly because I forget what they are 2 hours after I’ve set them. However, this year I thought maybe I should come up with some…. and then I decided not to. Instead I took some time to look back on 2017 and […]
I’m the Boss of Me
WHO’S TO BLAME? Radical self-responsibility is a catchy new phrase. To me it means being completely aware that I can blame no one for anything that happens in my life, no one. It’s all on me. When I first heard about radical self-responsibility I thought it was cute. I thought maybe I’ll do a little […]
Racism. It’s been on my mind. The events in Charlottesville stunned me. I never thought I would see white people marching in the streets with torches spewing hate. I thought that was a thing of the past. Apparently it isn’t. How does someone believe that marching wielding shields and bats while chanting slogans of hate […]
Choosing the Red Pill
I spent years going through my life on the default setting. It was really easy to do. Everything happened to me, I was a victim of life. I was blameless. Somehow I woke up enough to start on a journey. A journey to reset the default setting. It’s been hard and easy and awful and […]
What is your sneaky little thought?
10 years ago I was unhappy, stuck in a deep rut and desperate for answers to the age old question, “Why the fuck am I here.” In my search for answers I met a man who channels the Light Council and signed up for a session. I was really hoping they (the Light Council) would […]
The Four Stages of Competence
The four stages of competence are psychological states we all go through when learning a new skill. I’ll break it down for you using the example of learning how to brush my teeth. Stage 1: Unconscious Incompetence I didn’t know what I didn’t know. When I was probably around three years old it was time […]
3 Things you can do right now to improve your brain function.
Guess what? Becoming more forgetful as you get older does not have to be inevitable. Having a foggy brain is not necessarily a part of aging. Your brain, just like any other organ in your body, needs to be fed properly in order to function properly. Fortunately, the foods your brain loves to get its […]
5 Tips for Managing Your Stress
MANAGING YOUR STRESS? WHAT? There is a good chance I have tricked you into reading this. I don’t have 5 tips for how to manage your stress because I don’t believe in managing your stress. Instead of managing your stress I believe in choosing not to be stressed in the first place. I know […]
Why I Became a Coach
I LOVE MASSAGE I have been a massage therapist for over 20 years. I love being a massage therapist and I am very good at it. My body, however, has been telling me for a few years that it wants to do less massage. In cutting back on massage, I needed to find some way […]