The Four Stages of Competence
The four stages of competence are psychological states we all go through when learning a new skill. I’ll break it down for you using the example of learning how to brush my teeth. Stage 1: Unconscious Incompetence I didn’t know what I didn’t know. When I was probably around three years old it was time […]
3 Things you can do right now to improve your brain function.
Guess what? Becoming more forgetful as you get older does not have to be inevitable. Having a foggy brain is not necessarily a part of aging. Your brain, just like any other organ in your body, needs to be fed properly in order to function properly. Fortunately, the foods your brain loves to get its […]
Why I Became a Coach
I LOVE MASSAGE I have been a massage therapist for over 20 years. I love being a massage therapist and I am very good at it. My body, however, has been telling me for a few years that it wants to do less massage. In cutting back on massage, I needed to find some way […]
4 Reasons for Hiring a Coach
What’s going on with you? Are you in the middle of some crisis involving ennui, restlessness, personal disaster after personal disaster? Are you experiencing a desire to shake up everything in your life and start anew? Are you becoming uncomfortably aware of how much chaos goes on in your mind? Does it feel like there […]